Competitions Rules


General Competition Requirements

  1. Entries: All contests must have a minimum of five (5) entries to be valid.
  2. Judges: SwingTime will adhere to all guidelines set by WSDC regarding judges.
  3. Scoring System: Finalized scoring inputs will be computerized by a professional scorer.

Contest Requirements

  1. Waiver Forms:
    • Each contestant must sign the appropriate waiver form.
    • Contestants under eighteen must have a parent or guardian sign any required forms.
  2. Role/Gender Requirements:
    • SwingTime is open to individuals of any gender dancing either lead or follow, as they prefer.
    • Contestants are encouraged to register in whichever role they prefer.
  3. Appropriate Behavior and Dress Code:
    • The Organizer aims to encourage expressive and exciting dance performances without sacrificing quality and good taste.
    • Actions that make judges uncomfortable in a social dance setting, such as wearing inappropriate attire or showing disrespect, are prohibited.
    • Competitors should consult with the Organizer or Chief Judge in advance regarding routine/competition attire acceptability.

Responsibilities of Competitors

  1. Planning Ahead:
    • Check the weekend schedule in advance to meet registration deadlines and bring appropriate competition attire.
    • Arrive on time for all meetings and competitions.
    • Check at the event for any schedule changes.
  2. Knowing the Rules:
    • Competitors should read these rules carefully before their competition.
    • Adherence to these rules is mandatory, regardless of whether the competitors have read them.
    • Questions about the rules should be directed to the Chief Judge in advance.
  3. Being Prepared to Compete:
    • Competitors should be present in the ballroom at least 15 minutes before the start of their competition.
    • Competitors are responsible for their bib numbers.
    • Cancellation after the registration deadline results in the loss of the entry fee.
  4. Demonstrating Good Sporting Conduct:
    • Competitors must display good sporting conduct at all times, both on and off the competition floor.
    • Competitors may not speak to judges regarding their placements or scores until after the awards have been given.


  1. Points: Jack & Jill points are listed in the World Swing Dance Council Competitors Registry.
  2. Rising Star: Amateur Routine Choreography Division.
  3. Swing Content: The NASDE Statement of Swing is a guide to assist judges in determining swing content. Swing is an American Rhythm Dance based on 6-beat and 8-beat patterns incorporating a variety of rhythms built on 2-beat, single, delayed, double, triple, and blank rhythm units.

Division Rules

  1. Jack and Jill Divisions:
    • Purpose: Highlight social dance skills in spontaneous swing dancing and the ability to dance well with various partners.
    • Format: Competitors enter as individuals, are randomly assigned partners, and dance to music selected by the Competition DJ. Preliminary and semi-final rounds may be held depending on the number of entries.
    • Judging Criteria:
      • Timing: Ability to dance on the downbeat and include syncopations.
      • Technique: Footwork, balance, control, frame, and execution of turns & spins.
      • Teamwork: Partners working together as a team.
      • Content: Choreography and musical interpretation.
      • Showmanship: Ability to maintain the audience’s attention.
  2. WSDC Divisions:
    • Skill Levels: Competitors may enter two different skill levels for the J&J competition in different roles (leader and follower) under WSDC rules.
    • Division Qualifications: Follow the World Swing Dance Council recommendations for fair grouping of dancers.
  3. Strictly Swing Divisions:
    • Purpose: Encourage lead and follow partner dancing.
    • General Rules:
      • Maximum entries per division are at the event’s discretion.
      • Minimum swing content of 75%.
    • Specific Rules:
      • Performance length at the promoter’s discretion.
      • No costumes allowed; matching outfits acceptable.
      • Danced in a heated format, with exceptions for All-Star & Champions.
      • Couples must maintain physical contact except for spins, turns, and short break-a-ways.
      • No pre-choreographed routines allowed.
      • Dancers must maintain floor contact during weight support moves.
  4. Pro-Am Strictly Swing Division:
    • General Rules:
      • Students enter with their teacher.
      • Amateurs defined as those who do not teach dance regularly or earn significant income from it.
      • Only the student is evaluated.
      • Music chosen by the Competition DJ.
      • No costumes allowed; matching outfits acceptable.
      • Danced in heats in a final round format.
      • Couples must maintain physical contact except for spins, turns, short break-a-ways.
      • No pre-choreographed routines allowed.
    • Division Qualifications:
      • Novice: Less than 3 years of dance experience, expected to perform solid basics.
      • Intermediate: Significant prior competition experience, expected to perform clean basics with variations.
  5. ProAm Spotlight Routine:
    • General Rules:
      • Open to all swing styles: West Coast Swing, Lindy Hop, Hustle, Shag, Hand Dance.
      • Couples dance in a solo format.
      • Performance time: 2-3 minutes.
      • Costumes required; no props allowed.
      • Time and judging start at the first movement.
      • Separate entrances permitted, must come together within 32 beats.
      • Break-a-ways and side-by-side patterns permitted, no longer than 8 beats.
      • Lifts optional but not required.
      • Maximum five partner weight support moves with at least one foot on the ground.
    • Restart Guidelines:
      • Allowed for wrong music, sound system failure, shoe breaks, costume malfunction, or ballroom lighting issues.
      • Not allowed for dissatisfaction with dance order, performance, or injury during performance.
      • Requests must be made to the Chief Judge before leaving the competition floor.
  6. Rising Star Spotlight Routine:
    • General Rules:
      • Open to all swing styles.
      • Couples dance in a solo format.
      • Performance time: 2-3 minutes.
      • Costumes required; no props allowed.
      • Time and judging start at the first movement.
      • Separate entrances permitted, must come together within 32 beats.
      • Break-a-ways and side-by-side patterns permitted, no longer than 8 beats.
      • Lifts optional but not required.
      • Maximum five partner weight support moves with at least one foot on the ground.
    • Restart Guidelines:
      • Allowed for wrong music, sound system failure, shoe breaks, costume malfunction, or ballroom lighting issues.
      • Not allowed for dissatisfaction with dance order, performance, or injury during performance.
      • Requests must be made to the Chief Judge before leaving the competition floor.
  7. Masters Routine Rules:
    • This division is characterized by social Swing dancing at a performance level. This division is open to all styles of Swing and can include, but is not limited to Carolina Shag, Dallas Push, East Coast Swing, Hand Dancing, Hollywood Swing, Houston Whip, Imperial Swing, Jive, Jitterbug, Lindy Hop, Rock-n-Roll, and West Coast Swing.
    • Rules:
      • The rules governing the Master Swing Division are the same rules that govern the Classic Division, except both competitors must be 50 years of age or older, on or before the Sunday of the event.
      • A break-away is to be no more than 8 beats of music.
      • A couple must remain in their designated roles throughout the entire routine with an allowable exception of (1) 8-count maximum of role switching.
      • Choreographed routines are required.
      • A competitor may also dance in Sophisticated Swing, Classic, or Showcase if age requirements are met. They must dance with a different partner and a different routine.
      • Competitors must have purchased a full weekend Pass to compete.
      • Competitors select their own music and have choreographed routines.
      • Dance costumes are required (Halloween style costumes are not considered appropriate).
      • Performance time is a minimum of (2) minutes and a maximum of (3) minutes. Timing starts with the first performance movement with or without music.
      • Competitors must register by November 11th. We will not be taking registrations at the event.
      • A minimum number of five (5) entries are required to run this division for full prize money to be awarded. If there are 3-4 entries registered, the division may run, but the prize money may be adjusted. If there are (2) or less entries registered, the division will be canceled, and entry fees refunded. The event Organizers will make this decision prior to the event..
  8. ProAm Rules (US Open):
    • This division will follow the Rising Star rules with the exceptions listed below. Please go to the following link for the 2024 Rising Star Rules: Rising Star Rules
    • Exceptions:
      • Amateurs must be at least 6 years of age, on or before the Sunday of the event.
      • Costumes are encouraged, but not required.
      • To qualify for a partnership in our Pro-Am, there must be an instructor/student relationship.
      • Amateurs are defined as anyone who does not teach West Coast Swing on a regular, ongoing basis.
      • A Professional is defined as someone who earns a significant amount of income teaching or performing West Coast Swing.
  9. WOW PRO Division: “World of West Coast Swing” Routine Invitational:
    • General Rules:
      • Invitation only for professional dance partners.
      • Performance time: 90-105 seconds.
      • No props allowed.
      • Not judged.


Credit for rules goes to Liberty Swing.